Are you looking to satisfy Your CEU Requirements? Or, are you a Yoga practitioner looking to know more about Yoga?
Y.Y’s awesome accredited Online Yoga Course of 45hrs of continuing education credits will set you up!
WE are super happy to announce our Vinyasa 101 Course is now available Online!
About this 45 hr Online Yoga Training Course:
Yoga + comedy = YOUniversal Yoga’s 45 hour Online Vinyasa 101
Course –Learn, Laugh and Earn an Accredited 45 Hours of Continuing Education Credits.
This awesome ONLINE & SELF-PACED course and fulfills 45hr Continuing Educational Requirements approved by Yoga Alliance.
What Makes this course different? Well, for starters, we’ll humbly say, we DO! And… all the goodies within this course too. One other really large awesome aspect in choosing this course with us is that-IT IS SELF-PACED!
Alongside 28 Short Videos demonstrating the teaching and practice of our chosen yoga flows and Yoga Poses/Asana, You’ll ALSO receive a 266 page PDF course file that can serve as your new lifelong reference guide to Vinyasa 101.
With that being said, within this course contains a plethora of information that covers the following
*Yoga Alliance Educational Categories in which the content covers:
1) TTP-Teaching, Training, and Practice: We have selected an approximate 52 Yoga poses/Asana and stretches that cover: How to teach the Pose, offerings for different Levels of practitioners, how to modify and/or deepen the pose, how to use props. We also offer techniques on adjustments in some poses.
3) T.M.-Teaching Methodology: Included in this course content: How to create a Vinyasa yoga class that is well balanced for almost all levels of yoga practitioners, regardless of previous experience. You will further understand which movements and asana/poses go in what sequences and why. You will learn a plethora of information that can serve both your continuing educational intentions and the opportunity to create a fresh full yoga class that will allow you to reach an even wider scope of clientele as well.
I wonder how many more people would be open to trying yoga had they known each pose can be modified to fit their current needs?
We said it once, and we’ll say it again, a really awesome aspect in choosing this course with us is that IT IS- SELF-PACED!
While we suggest completing this course within 6 months, that is only a suggestion; It’s actually up to you! There are no due dates! We suggest however, to keep in mind that if you’re taking this course to fulfill your yearly Yoga Alliance continuing education requirements, that you choose according to what works for you and when your YA CEUs are due.
**Requirements to receive Your certificate of completion from this course:
1) Full Payment submitted of $500.00 to YOUniversal Yoga (PayPal Link below)
2) There will be 1 quiz (self-paced) to complete with competency from this course: Passing Score: 40-45.
*You will have the ability to retake the Quiz once.
3) Fill out a short Survey (link below)
Once all requirements have been met, you’ll be emailed a Personalized YOGA CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION (Vinyasa 101 45hr Yoga Course with YOUniversal Yoga and Lead Teacher
Samantha Bommarito) YAY!
Step 1) Make Payment on course, which can be Purchased through PayPal, using the Buy Now (Link below)
Step 2) Register for the course on our Mindbody App (CLICK HERE), prompting you to register
( Do You have a Mindbody account with YOUniversal Yoga YET?)
If you have not already, then you will be prompted to do so once you click on the link above!
Step 3) CHECK YOUR EMAIL (INBOX) to receive a confirmation email, containing 4 different Links:
Link 1. To Vimeo (for video access); **Please allow up to 24 hours for this link to be accessible following registration.
YOUniversal Yoga will add you to our Vimeo Private Group and this link can be used and saved once you’ve received the email invitation.
Link 2. To google Docs (Pdf manual); *Please allow up to 24 hours for this link to be accessible following registration.
This link can be used and saved once you’ve received the email invitation.
Link 3. Link to Google forms to submit answers to the Online Course Quiz;
Link 4. Link to fill out our Survey (https://forms.gle/v6XMqA6NDnLbCtKG6)
Step 3) Once YOU complete course requirements, CHECK YOUR EMAIL INBOX – to receive an email with your personalized (print frame worthy!)
Certificate of Completion, which you will upload to your Yoga Alliance account!! YAY!!!